Most of us start out in business, simply winging it, hoping and preying that we succeed. That’s also why a lot of small businesses fail!
When I started out in business, I often wished there was a manual.
Instructions on how to become a professional business owner.
In 2024, the business environment is faster moving than ever before. Challenges come from all directions and it’s hard to stay focussed on growing a business.
Instead, we get stuck in the day to day.
The Entrepreneurs Circle Masterplan helps us to tackle that.
Masterplan Business Coaching is a programme that aims to help business owners do the important stuff..
… focus on growing their business and achieving the goals, both in business and personally.
After all, far too many business owners get tied down, or settle for second best.
You’d be shocked at the number of business owners who fail to pay themselves, or pay themselves last.
If we take the risk to start a business, we need to make sure we get the rewards and that’s what Masterplan is all about.
It is based on a 9-step roadmap that covers all aspects of building a successful business, such as marketing, sales, operations, finance, team, and more.
A training and mentoring programme with the sole purpose of transforming wannabe small business owners into professional business owners, that walk the walk, and talk the talk.
The Masterplan Business Coaching programme provides support, training, and accountability to help business owners implement each of the 9 steps and overcome challenges in their business and life.